Thursday, May 14, 2009

Rally for Medicare For All...

Rally for Medicare For All... the Green Party is getting behind the protest for nationalized health care.

In a news release, the Greens supported a, "national Day of Action for Single-Payer national health care (Medicare For All) on Saturday, May 30."

The greens claim, "Single-Payer has been barred from the public debate, because of the influence of insurance, HMO, and pharmaceutical lobbies, through campaign contributions, 'astroturf' (false grassroots) operations, and dishonest advertising."

Greens say the protest must be held to get national attention.


Whigs go from 1800's to on-line...

Whigs go from 1800's to on-line... The Modern Whig party announced in an e-mail Wednesday they are now holding meetings on-line because their party is growing so much.

Their first on-line meeting will be May 19th.

The e-mail says, "Sunday political newspaper columnists continue to rave about the potential viability of this organization." Whigs point to growth from, "Many of these members are disenchanted Republicans and moderate Democrats who value common sense, rational solutions ahead of ideology and partisanship."


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