Tuesday, June 9, 2009

145% more…

145% more… volunteers for the National Libertarian Party. It was just one tweet, but it spoke volumes. The LPNational (the National Libertarian Party twitter account) sent out a tweet Tuesday, June 9th saying, “LP National Volunteers up 145% Go LP National Outreach team!!!”

There’s no word in the Tweet up from when.

But trends of more people calling themselves independent in the recent few months mean more people are becoming targets for these new LP volunteers.


Third parties are no longer a waste of time…

Third parties are no longer a waste of time… is the take from Constitution Party National Committee Chairman Jim Clymer. In a news release from the party he’s quoted saying, “Voters used to think they’d be wasting their votes by voting for a third party candidate… Those days appear to be over.”

His comments were in response to former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich’s talk on voters looking beyond the “Big Box” parties of Democrats and Republicans.

Clymer said, “I ask those wondering about the third party option how long they think it will take to get the kind of government they believe in, if they keep voting for people who won’t support their views.” The news release added that Republicans are now free for the taking because they no longer have to support their candidate in the White House.

With more independent voters available Clymer says, “2012 is up for grabs!


We don't want a good candidate...

We don't want a good candidate... that could be the take of the Vermont Progressive Party in the up coming Gubernatorial election.

According to a story on timesargus.com, Vermont Democratic State Senator Doug Racine is going to be running in the Democratic primary for Governor against a number of other people. If State Senator Racine does not win the primary he may be looking at running as a Progressive.

Racine has been talking to the Progressive Party. The article written by Peter Hirschfeld says Racine has been speaking at state Progressive Party committee meeting in an attempt to line up support.

Here’s where it gets interesting. The article quotes the head of the Vermont Progressive Party Morgan Daybell, saying two-way race in 2010 the best scenario for Democrats and Progressives alike. He's quoted saying, "Obviously, a two-person contest is better." So if the Democrats choose a candidate the could be viable for the Governor’s Office, Progressives may back off running a strong candidate.

Daybell’s quote continues, "In 2007 and 2008, (Progressive candidate Anthony Pollina's) attempts to reach out to Democrats was all part of a strategy to make it a two-way race in the absence of any strong Democratic candidate willing to run. How that plays out in 2010 I don't know yet."


Go Green for office...

Go Green for office... the call is out in Illinois for people to run for office in 2010. The Illinois Greens want to double their number of candidates from 2008. The Greens had 56 candidates in Illinois for the 2008 election.

The Illinois Green Party is asking for people around the state to consider a run for office in 2010.

A posting on their website says they want to find candidates for, "every partisan race in the state, including U.S. Senator, Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, and State Comptroller; all 19 U.S. House seats; 20 Illinois Senate seats; all 118 Illinois House seats; and hundreds of county-level office, including County Clerk, County Treasurer, and County Sheriff in most counties, and about half of all County Board seats across the state."

The Party's goal is to have a candidate in every statewide race, nearly every congressional race plus, "at least 20% of all state legislative races, and dozens of candidates for county office."


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