Thursday, October 1, 2009

Rave reviews for Daggett’s performance the first New Jersey Gubernatorial debate...

Rave reviews for Independent New Jersey Gubernatorial candidate Christopher Daggett’s performance the first New Jersey Gubernatorial debate:

Michael Falcone - Politico: Independent candidate Chris Daggett, stationed at a podium between the two major-party challengers, presented himself as a low-drama alternative to them, as Corzine and Christie had heated exchanges over the economy, health care, and social issues during the 90-minute debate, the first of three…” “Isn’t it appropriate that I’m in the middle of these two guys,” Daggett asked at one point during Thursday's debate.

Emily Cadei - CQ Politics: “Daggett and Corzine lined up in favor of making spending cuts while raising some taxes to help close a multibillion-dollar state funding gap…”
“Both Corzine and Daggett accused (Christie) of being overly vague and lacking a genuine financial plan.”

David M. Halbfinger – New York Times: “It was the little-known independent, Christopher Daggett, a former Environmental Protection Agency official, who all but stole the show, promoting a plan to cut the state’s skyrocketing property taxes by up to 25 percent and haranguing Mr. Christie in particular for lacking a specific plan of his own.”
“Mr. Daggett who had the most to gain from the night, and seemed to make much of the opportunity.”
“But Mr. Daggett, in one of several barbs aimed at Mr. Christie, shot back: “It’s easy to criticize when you have no plan of your own. The tooth fairy’s not going to solve this problem.””

Josh McMahon – ”… Daggett had the best night. He was the most intellectually engaging, the one with new ideas. And he was entertaining.”
“Daggett’s [tax] plan generated even more attention because neither Christie nor Corzine had anything similar to offer.”
” By the end of the hour and a half, it easy to imagine that given a choice, viewers would rather grab a beer with Daggett than the other two. Simply put, Daggett was fun; Christie and Corzine weren’t.”

Paul Mulshine – The Star Ledger: “...Daggett was the winner of this debate by a large margin.” "Independent Chris Daggett criticized Christie for cutting down other plans without offering one of his own. Daggett also said he didn't want to raise taxes."

Tom Hester, Sr. - "Daggett came across as the most open with his plans..."

FOX Philadelphia: "Daggett stole the show with a few unplanned and ad-libbed one-liners and a definite plan to cut property taxes by 25 percent by expanding the sales tax on things like Jersey Shore rentals and haircuts."

$250k ad blitz supporting Conservative Party candidate for Congress...

$250k ad blitz supporting Conservative Party candidate for Congress in New York. Aaron Blake in the is reporting the conservative “Club for Growth” took out ads attacking the Republican and Democrat running for special election in the New York’s 23rd Congressional District.

A TV ad posted on YouTube does not directly support Conservative candidate Doug Hoffman, but it does attack his two challengers. The Club for Growth has backed Hofflman. The “Club for Growth” is also airing radio ads in the district.


Conservative candidate needs to close…

Conservative candidate needs to close the gap in his race for Congress. A new poll from the Siena University’s Research Institute shows Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman is only getting 16% of the vote. Republican Dede Scozzafava has 35% and Democrat Bill Owens has 28% of the vote.

The bright side for Hoffman is that 40 to 50 percent of voters are still basically undecided.

The poll did not ask familiarity with the candidates. Because Hoffman ran for the Republican nomination before bolting for the Conservative Party, it is likely Hoffman has greater familiarity than a typical third party candidate.

The election to replace Army Secretary and former Representative John
McHugh is slated for early November.


Chuck Baldwin is appearing at Constitution Party convention…

Chuck Baldwin is appearing at Constitution Party convention, it was just announced Thursday. Baldwin was the Party’s Presidential candidate in 2008.

The convention is going to be in Phoenix on October 23rd & 24th. Former Republican Presidential Candidate Tom Tancredo will also be speaking there.


Getting to know Daggett tonight…

Getting to know Daggett tonight in the first New Jersey Governor’s debate will be big. Monmouth University released a new poll on the New Jersey Governor’s race. The results shows Incumbent Governor Jon Corzine with 38%, Chris Christie with 37% , Chris Daggett getting 8%.

The surprise is that Governor Jon Corzine has shown a lead for the first time in months.

Arguably, the real news from this poll is the confirmation that not very many people in New Jersey know much about Daggett, only 25% of likely voters know about him according to the Monmouth poll. Using a little math, if Daggett can reach 90% knowledge of New Jersey likely-voters from the debates and the ramping-up of election coverage in the news, Daggett could be polling in the high 20s to 30-percent.

Is this a pipedream? Jesse Ventura was not polling very high in Minnesota until the debates and he went on to win the Governor’s office.

This means the pressure is on Daggett in the Gubernatorial debates tonight. Daggett needs to be memorable and credible. If we see the next poll after the debate giving Daggett a vote in the high teens, Corzine & Christie better be worrying.


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