Friday, July 10, 2009

Two more Libertarian’s for 2010…

Two more Libertarian’s for 2010… in Maryland.

Two libertarian candidates that lost congressional races in 2008 will give it another shot.
In the First District, Dr. Richard Davis was nominated as the Libertarian candidate for Congress; he ran in 2008. The libertarians describe Davis as a dentist with a “mild manner and firm grasp of the issues”. Davis received 2% of the vote in 2008.

Lorenzo Gaztañaga will be running in the Second Congressional district. The Cuba-born American became a citizen in 1973. Gaztañaga picked-up 3% of the vote in 2008 and was described as being in, “a security business… (and is) active in his church.”

Maryland Libertarians ran a candidate in every congressional race in 2008 except one. No candidate garnered more than 3% of the vote.

The Maryland Lib’s also nominated two people to run for the House of Delegates; Justin Kinsey in District 5B, and Brandon Brooks in District 11.


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