Sunday, December 6, 2009

Independent for Congress interviewed about Palin’s book…

Independent for Congress is mentioned in a newspaper article about former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin’s book. Dean Moore, and independent running for Missouri’s 7th Congressional District (the Southwest corner of the state), was interviewed in a newspaper article about people lining-up to get Sarah Palin’s book signed.

Chad Livengood writes on, “Dean Moore… said Palin's life experiences resonate well with people in the Midwest. ‘She's the polar opposite of Nancy Pelosi… The kind of person who thinks very highly of Nancy Pelosi isn't going to catch this fever.’

The mention of Moore was buried at the end of the article about the Palin event in Springfield, Missouri. Moore is trying to win the seat being vacated by Representative Roy Blunt. One more note, Dean Moore is not the only more running for the seat, Republican Darrell Lee Moore is running as a republican in the race.


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